Little Tokyo CIF Meeting for Japanese & English Speakers

The Little Tokyo Community Impact Fund (LTCIF) is excited to announce that we will hold additional open meetings to present the formation of a community-benefit investment fund aimed at helping to preserve the historic ethnic neighborhood of Little Tokyo.

The LTCIF held a public meetings at the JACCC in August, and a second information session at the Gardena JCI in September.   According to members of the LTCIF Organizing Committee, “Approximately 75 attended the meeting with great interest in Little Tokyo; and around 55 attended the session at Gardena JCI to hear more about this new effort.”  

Two more meetings are scheduled to be held in Little Tokyo on Oct. 20th for Japanese-speaking people, and for those who could not attend the first two gatherings.  The two sessions take place at the Union Church in Little Tokyo on Saturday, Oct. 20th:

•    1 pm – 2:30 pm will be held in Japanese
•    3 pm – 4:30 pm will be held in English

The LTCIF is seeking investors who are willing to invest in the fund (a minimum of $10,000) and will receive a moderate rate of return on investment and at the same time be helping to preserve our community history, heritage, and culture.”

Everyone is invited to attend and to learn about the LTCIF and how they can participate in this exciting new venture to support the community.  More public meetings are being planned for other regions of the Southland.

RSVP for Little Tokyo Meeting

At this meeting we will discuss: What is happening in Little Tokyo? What is a Community Impact Fund? How can individuals, families, organizations and businesses get involved to preserve the legacy of Little Tokyo? There will be a Question & Answer session open to all. If you are not able to attend, please check back to the LTCIF website for updates.

Thank you and have a great weekend!


Bill Watanabe
President, LTCIF

報道期間各位              詳細:
2018 年10月5日            [email protected]
「リトル東京コミュニティーインパクトファンド計画パブリックミーティング」リトル東京コミュニティインパクトファンド(LTCIF)オーガナイザーは、リトル東京の歴史的地区を守ることを目的とした地域特典投資ファンドについての、 オープンミーティングの日程を発表する。LTCIFは8月にJACCCでパブリックミーティングを開催し、9月にガーデナJCIで第2回情報セッションを開催した。LTCIF組織委員会のメンバーによると、「リトル東京での一回目セッションでは、約75人の参加者の多くがリトル東京に大きな関心を寄せており、 Gardena JCIのセッションには約55名が参加し、この新しい取り組みについて学んだ。」

  • 1 – 2:30 pm  Japanese Presentation
  • 3 – 4:30 pm  English Presentation

LTCIFは、ファンドに投資の意向の投資家(最低1万ドル)を求め、 投資収益率は中程度となっている。またこのファンドを通じ、歴史的の遺産と文化の維持に貢献する事となる。


ミーティングへのRSVP、質問はEメール:ビル・ワタナベまで [email protected]

LTCIF Website