
LTCIF's logo

Protect the Past

Little Tokyo, one of four remaining historic Japantowns in the United States, has a rich cultural history and is a significant part of the Japanese American experience in Los Angeles. Preserving the legacy of Japanese American family-owned businesses, cultural institutions, and spiritual centers is critical as pressure from outside investors increases. Controlling real estate within the community will help keep gentrification from changing the cultural identity and landscape of the area.

Impact the Present

The Little Tokyo Community Impact Fund (LTCIF) is a public/private partnership and platform that empowers individuals, foundations, and local government to invest collaboratively in the Japanese American community. The LTCIF is led by longstanding stakeholders, experts in real estate and finance, and members of the non-profit community in Little Tokyo. Legacy business owners have the opportunity to sell property to the Fund to maintain the historical value, priorities, and character of the historic Little Tokyo community.

Solidify the Future

The LTCIF provides Japanese American owners of real estate an avenue to maintain their legacy and impact on the community in the face of challenges and development pressures. Family-owned businesses will be able to continue to operate within the community with the help of LTCIF investors. The LTCIF will ensure that the cultural integrity of Little Tokyo will be preserved for future generations.

For more information on how to get involved, join our mailing list today!

Picture of businesses in Japanese Village Plaza

Image inside of store in Little Tokyo

Outside of Japanese American National Museum